

Despite the main scientific program, the organizing committee of IASTAM & ASHM is proudly announcing that four workshops will be held on 20th & 21st June, 2024. As an important part of the conference, the workshops will take place on the first two days of the conference.
Speakers with extensive expertise in speech will provide the audience with a rich learning experience related to long-standing research problems, and contemporary research topics.

*Click on the workshop title to see description

Workshop A

Body Constitution Measurement & Related Health Promotion Principles

Present by Dr. Sunny Jui-Shan Lin

- Time: 13:30-15:00 & 15:30-17:00, June 20, 2024
- Brief Description of the Workshop:

Medicine in the 21st century has entered the era of precision medicine, which considers an individual’s genetics, lifestyle, and exposures as determinants of their health and disease phenotypes. However, limitations in treatment of some diseases have yet to be overcome, such as degenerative diseases in geriatrics, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, autoimmune diseases, metabolic diseases, viral and drug-resistant bacterial infections, and psychiatric diseases. Most of these diseases have complex etiology and pathogenesis, and their treatment have not achieved much success by antagonistic pharmacological models adopted in the modern medicine. Therefore, the traditional medicine, which centers on the balanced interaction between human body and environment, is highly valued by the global academic community.

Chinese medicine (CM), an ancient system of personalized medicine, is gaining up-soaring popularity because of its tailored treatment for each individual. While making treatment strategy in CM, the focus is on the "patient" rather than "disease". It is thought that the state of an individual’s body constitution plays an important role in determining whether he get sick or not under the influence of the etiological factors.

The uniqueness of an individual’s constitution is highly stressed in clinical practice, and has been applied for more than 2,000 years to evaluate patients in states of sub- health, sub-disease or pre-disease. In this workshop, you will learn the core concepts of CM body constitution and realize your own body constitution by filling the Body Constitution Questionnaire (BCQ) which is a scientific instrument with good reliability and validity.

- What You Can Learn:
  1. Core concepts and operational definitions of body constitution.
  2. How body constitution is transformed.
  3. Realize your own body constitution by filling the Body Constitution Questionnaire (BCQ).
  4. Important health promotion principles of each body constitution type.
- The Workshop is Suitable for:
  1. Anyone who wants to realize his own body constitution.
  2. Anyone who wants to understand the operational definitions and measurement of CM body constitution.
  3. Anyone who wants to do health promotion more efficiently.
- Timetable & Outlines of the Workshop
Program Timeline Core Competencies Content
90 minutes Core concepts and operational definitions of body constitution
  1. What is body constitution
  2. Basic components of body constitution
  3. Operational definitions of each body constitution types
90 minutes Realize your own body constitution by filling the Body Constitution Questionnaire (BCQ)
  1. Fill out the Body Constitution Questionnaire (BCQ)
  2. Explanation of the results of BCQ measurement
- Instructors /Speakers:
Dr. Sunny Jui-Shan Lin M.D., PhD.

Visiting staff, Chinese Medicine Department, Tri-Service General Hospital
Secretary General, Chinese Medical Advancement Foundation
Adjunct Assistant Professor, National Defense Medical Center, School of Medicine, Taiwan

Workshop B

Orthopedics & Traumatology Therapy for Common Diseases

Present by Dr. Chen-Shien Lin, Dr. Chan-Jung Hu, Dr. Tsung-Yun Hsieh

- Time: 13:30-15:00 & 15:30-17:00, June 20, 2024
- Brief Description of the Workshop:

Orthopedics and Traumatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has formed a systematic theory and a variety of treatment methods through the refinement of time and experiences. Taiwan’s TCM Orthopedics inherits the essence of TCM and integrates it with the advancement of modern medicine. Because of its comprehensive theories and clinical effectiveness and its easy-operating, time-saving characteristics, Taiwan’s TCM Orthopedics has been widely favorably received by the public.

This workshop will focus on common injuries caused by occupation and sports. The course is divided into two parts, "TCM Orthopedics Principles" (15 minutes) and "Group Instruction on Treatment Techniques for Common Diseases (2.5 hours in total)".

In the group instruction on the treatment methods of common diseases, the courses will be divided into three segments: upper limbs, lower limbs, and central axis. In each segment, common orthopedic diseases to each body part will be selected, so that the lecturer and students can have sufficient interaction and practice. Each course will contain mainly a "TCM Therapy Demonstration" portion (20 minutes) and an "Operational Practice" portion (30 minutes). During the Operation Practice, DOPS (Direct Observation of Procedural Skills) will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the participants' actual operation, with the goal of achieving effective operation in the clinic and obtaining effective treatment outcomes in the future.

- What You Can Learn:
  1. Core concepts and operating principles of TCM Orthopedics and Traumatology.
  2. Treatment techniques for common diseases of upper limbs.
  3. Treatment techniques for common diseases of lower limbs.
  4. Treatment techniques for common diseases of middle axle.
- The Workshop is Suitable for:
  1. Anyone who is interested in traditional Chinese therapeutic operating.
  2. Athlete, athletic trainer, sports coach and health promotion practitioners.
  3. Medical practitioners such as Chinese medicine, Geriatric medicine, Sports medicine, Physical & rehabilitation medicine, and neurology, etc.
- Timetable & Outlines of the Workshop
Program Timeline Core Competencies Content
15 minutes TCM Orthopedics core concepts and operating principles
  1. TCM orthopedics pathophysiology
  2. TCM orthopedics operating principles
50 minutes Group instruction on treatment techniques for common diseases:
Upper Limbs
  1. Techniques of releasing the tension shoulder and back fascia, shoulder dislocation
  2. Techniques of tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, elbow dislocation
  3. Techniques of sprain or contusion of wrist, palm and fingers
50 minutes Group instruction on treatment techniques for common diseases:
Lower Limbs
  1. Techniques of releasing tightness of tensor fascia lata, and patellofemoral pain syndrome
  2. Techniques of releasing the tension of hamstring and calf fascia
    Techniques of knee sprain, ankle sprain, toe contusion
50 minutes Group instruction on treatment techniques for common diseases:
Middle Axle
  1. Techniques of correction and traction of cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine joint dislocation.
  2. Techniques of sacroiliac joint and pelvic adjustment.
    Techniques of releasing fascia tension of the neck, upper back, and lower back muscle
- Instructors /Speakers:
Dr. Chen-Shien Lin M.D., PhD.

Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Department of Chinese Medicine
Secretary General, Taiwan Association of Traditional Chinese Medical Literature and History
Adjunct Lecturer, National Defense Medical Center, School of Medicine, Taiwan

Dr. Chan-Jung Hu M.D., PhD. Candidate

Visiting staff, Chinese Medicine Department, Taichung Veterans General Hospital
Supervisor, Taiwan Society for Pathology of Chinese Medicine
Adjunct Lecturer, National Defense Medical Center, School of Medicine, Taiwan

Dr. Tsung-Yun Hsieh M.D., M.M.S.

Visiting staff, Chinese Medicine Department, Tri-Service General Hospital
Deputy Secretary General, Taiwan Society of Health Promotion
Adjunct Lecturer, National Defense Medical Center, School of Medicine, Taiwan

- Assistance
Dr. Chang-Wei Yuan, Bachelor of Medicine

Visiting staff, Chinese Medicine Department, Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare

Dr. Bo-Cheng Lai, Bachelor of Medicine

Visiting staff, Chinese Medicine Department, Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare

Workshop C

Medical Daoyin & Health Promotion

Present by Dr. Yu-Hsin Chang, Dr. Yun-Ning Tsai

- Time: 9:00-10:30 & 11:00-12:30, June 21, 2024
- Brief Description of the Workshop:

"Daoyin" (導引), the traditional Chinese healing exercise, which is the precursor of "Qigong". "Dao" (導) means expiring out turbid air and breathing in clean air. "Yin" (引) means activating body and extremities. "Medical Daoyin" means combining medical principles and Daoyin exercise together to maximize the effectiveness of the healthcare, limb exercises and mental cultivation for keeping good health and prolonging life.

Medical Daoyin is graceful in movements, easy-to-learn, suitable for all ages. We have established the "Medical Daoyin" model which had been stated the effectiveness by clinical practice. This is a great chance to learn the healing methods that will benefit your life.

- What You Can Learn:
  1. Traditional Chinese healing exercises "Daoyin".
  2. Core concepts and principles of “Medical Daoyin".
  3. Effectiveness of “Medical Daoyin" through personal practice.
  4. Applications of “Medical Daoyin" in health promotion.
- The Workshop is Suitable for:
  1. Anyone who wants to do simple, easy and useful exercises every day.
  2. Anyone who is interested in operating Traditional Chinese health promotion.
  3. Qigong, Tai Chi and martial arts practitioners.
  4. Anyone who is interested in exercise therapy.
  5. Medical practitioners such as Chinese medicine, geriatric medicine, sports medicine, physical & rehabilitation medicine, and neurology, etc.
  6. The “Medical Daoyin" is particular suitable for those who are:
    • feeling fatigue, nervous or overstressed
    • suffering from insomnia, such as hard to fall asleep or sleepy in daytime
    • suffering from fibromyalgia, neck-shoulder stiffness, or lower back pain
    • too busy to have time to go out for physical exercise, but want to get the health back
- Timetable & Outlines of the Workshop
Program Timeline Core Competencies Content
30 minutes Daoyin and health promotion
  1. The Chinese healing exercises "Daoyin"
  2. Core concepts and principles of Daoyin
  3. Practice "Standing stance"(站樁) to accumulate Qi
60 minutes Practice and applications of Daoyin
"Medical Ba Duan Jin" (醫學八段錦)
  1. Practice the Daoyin "Medical Ba Duan Jin"
  2. Evidence of "Medical Ba Duan Jin" in health promotion
  3. Applications of "Medical Ba Duan Jin" in health promotion
40 minutes Practice and applications of Daoyin
"Qi and Mind Harmonizing Method" (調氣和神法)
  1. Practice how to attune your body with Daoyin
  2. Practice the Daoyin "Qi and Mind Harmonizing Method"
  3. Evidence of "Qi and Mind Harmonizing Method" in health promotion
50 minutes Practice and applications of Daoyin
"ShangShou Daoyin Method" (上壽導引法)
  1. Practice the Daoyin "ShangShou Daoyin Method"
  2. Evidence of "ShangShou Daoyin Method" in health promotion
  3. Applications of "ShangShou Daoyin Method" in health promotion
- Videos of Daoyin
- Instructors /Speakers:
Dr. Yu-Hsin Chang M.D., PhD.

Chief, Taichung Chander Clinic
Director, Taiwan Society of Health Promotion
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Feng Chia University, ROC(Taiwan)
Deputy Secretary General, China Medical Advancement Foundation

Dr. Yun-Ning Tsai M.D., PhD.

Attending Physician, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tri-Service General Hospital
Lecturer, Taiwan Society of Health Promotion
Assistant Professor, Ministry of Education, ROC(Taiwan)
Deputy Secretary General, China Medical Advancement Foundation

Workshop D

Why is Japanese Manual Therapy so Highly Regarded Worldwide? 

Present by Dr. Hajime Fujimori

- Time: 9:00-10:30 & 11:00-12:30, June 21, 2024
- Brief Description of the Workshop:

  1. Demonstration of ‘Qi’orthopedics’—art of coaxing the body to reform.
  2. Historical epistemology of Japanese medicine.
- What You Can Learn:
  1. How to manipulate vertebral bones.
  2. How to evaluate vertebral manipulation.
  3. How to apply the theory and technique of vertebral manipulation for startups.
  4. Historical epistemology of traditional Japanese medicine.

- The Workshop is Suitable for:

  1. Investors
  2. Those who are interested in being treated
  3. Those who would like to learn vertebral manipulation
  4. Philosophers and historians of East Asian medicine
  5. Innovative scientists and engineers

- Timetable & Outlines of the Workshop

Program Timeline Core Competencies Content
15 minutes Brief lecture about Qi’orthopedics
  1. Birth of Qi’orthopedics
  2. Anatomical view of the spine
  3. How to correct manually the alignment of the spine
75 minutes Demonstration of Qi’orthopedics
  1. Practice and applications of Qi’orthopedics
15 minutes Historical epistemology of Japanese medicine
  1. Radical transformation of traditional Chinese medicine in Japan
  2. Scientific turn in the Edo period that led to the ‘Japanese body’
30 minutes Evidence of alternative medicine
  1. What is the misalignment of the spine
  2. How to evaluate vertebral manipulation
30 minutes ‘Physicalization’ of Qi
  1. Ito Jinsai’s revisionism that rewrote the qi concept
  2. Normativism of Georges Canguilhem
  3. Theory of Qi’orthopedics from Fujimori Motoi’s work
15 minutes Application of Qi’orthopedics for Startups
  1. Medical device using the theory and techniques of Qi’orthopedics
  2. Large Language Model applied for the spine analysis

- Instructors /Speakers:

Dr. Hajime Fujimori, PhD.

CEO of NewMedLab. Inc.
Director of the Japanese Society for Somatology